Scientific study in the branch of family and community medicine…

Today, Thursday, March 16, 2023, the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, discussed the discussion of the higher diploma thesis for the student (Zahraa Rahim Aweez) as part of the requirements for obtaining the higher diploma in family and community medicine. The study was titled: Perceived Stress in Distance Learning among Undergraduate College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kerbala, Iraq 2022

This study aimed to assess the tension among students during the electronic study during the COVID-19 pandemic at the University of Karbala.

The sample included a study of 500 male and female students from five different faculties at the University of Karbala, including the College of Medicine, the College of Engineering, the Civil Department, the College of Education and Human Sciences, the Department of Psychology, the College of Physical Education and Mathematical Sciences, and the College of Applied Sciences, the Department of Pathological Analyzes.

This study found that 64.4% of the students had a high level of stress, 34% had a medium level of stress, and 1.4% had a low level of stress.

Also, this study found that there is a significant correlation between college and stress, so it was found that the highest percentage of stress during the Corona pandemic was among students in the College of Engineering, and their percentage was (24.1%), and the lowest percentage of stress among students in the College of Physical Education and Mathematical Sciences, and their percentage was (16.4%). .

This study made several recommendations, the most important of which are:

The need to conduct experimental electronic exams for students by the subject teacher to reduce anxiety and stress and to identify the pattern of questions.

And the need to train students on how to answer electronic exams.

As well as training faculty members to conduct electronic exams, and there are several entities that can benefit from this study, such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, universities and educational institutions, students, teachers, university professors, and society in general, due to the importance of education in all its forms in the development and development of societies.

After the student presented her research and discussed it by the committee, the esteemed committee decided to accept the study, with a grade of excellence.

The discussion committee consisted of:

Prof. Arafat Khudair / Psychiatric Board / University of Kufa / Chairman

a . Dr. Ali Tariq / Dermatology Board / University of Karbala / Member

a.m.d. Ali Abdul-Ridha Abu Tahin/Consultant Family Medicine/Karbala Medicine/Member

a. M . Dr.. Bashir Aqeel Al-Ali / Doctor of Community Medicine / Karbala University – College of Medicine / member and supervisor

a. Dr.. Amer Fadel Al-Haidari / Psychological Board / Karbala University – College of Medicine / member and supervisor