The Division of Continuing Education at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, holds a statistical analysis course

Statistical analysis prepares various types of data, regardless of their size, while ensuring accuracy and speed in analysis. Given the importance of this program, especially for the faculties of the medical and engineering group, it was necessary to hold specialized training courses to highlight its importance in various sectors and in a way that allows different segments of society to benefit from it in the treatment of various Statistical data.

This course aimed at: Training on how to use the new commands program in SPSS and training on how to benefit from the program in developing various businesses.

The SPSS program is distinguished by the diversity of areas it targeted the course

1- Students, researchers and faculty members in universities and scientific institutes in various disciplines (scientific, social, human, etc.)

2- Employees in various government departments.

3- Various studies and research centers.

The session also touched on /

1- Review the basic commands in the program.

2- Review the use of the following statistical methods:

  • Descriptive statistics.
  • ONE WAY ANOVA test
  • Regression test
  • Correlation transactions

3- Explanation of new commands such as:

  • Chi-square test
  • Testing the normal distribution by drawing and arithmetic
  • and the two-way analysis of variance test
  • Dimensional comparisons test
  • Test strength of the model
  • Nonparametric tests

Duration of the course: three days

Present at the session are:

Mr. Dr. Ali Musa Mahdi

Assist. Prof. Intidar Shaker Nasser