An instructor at Kerbala University, College of Medicine, participates in a scientific research published in the third conference at Al-Kafeel University

Assistant Professor Dr. Wassan Ghazi Al-Safi, one of the teaching staff of Kerbala University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, presented the proceedings of the third international conference of Al-Kafeel University held on 3/22/3/2021 with her paper entitled (Pregnancy rate among women with PCOS and have high ovarian hormones LH / FSH Those who undergo compulsory ICSI (pregnancy rate in women with PCOS with high LH / FSH ratio undergoing ICSI) research comes in the elevation of ovarian hormones (LH) in patients with PCOS and its effect on the quality of eggs and the quality of the fetuses resulting in the injection process. The compulsory microscopy in the treatment of infertility and IVF, as Al-Safi reached an increase in a non-significant coefficient with the results of high pregnancy in such patients, knowing that the research by the researchers Dr. Wisan Al-Safi and Dr. Mahajeh Falah Hasan also spoke to us: that the percentage of PCOS is considered one of the common diseases that affect Women of young reproductive age who suffer delayed childbearing.