In the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, the eleventh course of teaching methods was opened for the medical group, under the supervision and presence of the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Dr. Scheherazade Al-Jubouri
This will continue from 3/28/2023 until 5/23/2023, one day a week every Tuesday, and a number of holders of higher degrees from the medical and health cadres at the University of Karbala, the Karbala Health Department and some private colleges will participate in it.
The course aims to develop the knowledge, skills and experiences of the participants from the education and health sector in various fields of medical education, as its topics include several axes that focus on the reality of the education and training process. (such as learning theories, principles of adult education, education in the current century, curriculum design, education in Large groups and giving effective lectures, PowerPoint presentations, learning in small groups, classroom management, effective educational environment and psychological building of the student, methods of evaluation and examinations and preparing questions, proven medicine and proofs and other miscellaneous topics) in interactive ways. After acquaintance and assessment of training needs.