A master’s thesis was researched at the College of Medicine / University of Karbala in the branch of biological and clinical chemistry for the student Muntadhar Ali Jassim Al-Sambawy, which was titled (Evaluation of endothelial dysfunction of blood vessels by the activated receptor for proteolytic enzyme -1-Par in patients with Covid-19).
His thesis included celiac disease as one of the major contributors to the pathogenesis of thromboembolic events in COVID-19. Although the leading cause of death in patients with COVID-19 is respiratory failure caused by viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome, accumulating evidence has shown that the risk of thromboembolism is significantly elevated in patients with severe COVID-19. And that thromboembolic event is another major complication that contributes to the high morbidity and mortality rates in patients who suffer after Covid.
The study concluded that Par-1 levels were statistically significant among groups of Covid-19 patients who showed D levels. dimer and PAR are a high value through the confirmed results obtained by the ROC curves to predict coagulopathy in post-Covid-19 cases among the three cohorts of Covid patients (critical and severe cases).
This dissertation was supervised by Prof. Dr. Rana Hameed Majeed / PhD in Biological Chemistry in the Biological and Clinical Chemistry Branch
And Dr. Hassan Fasl Al-Yasari / PhD in Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry / College of Science / University of Karbala
The student, Muntadhar Ali Jassim Al-Sambawy, was awarded a master’s degree with distinction, after a decision by the supervising committee.