Discussion of a master’s thesis at the College of Medicine / University of Karbala about diabetic foot ulcers

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Karbala discussed the master’s thesis tagged (measuring some cellular kinetics and blood parameters in diabetic foot patients treated with ultra-hydroxide).
The thesis aims to characterize diabetic foot ulcer patients by focusing on blood and immune indicators, in addition to studying the effect of superoxide water on these indicators.
This study included (58) patients suffering from type 2 diabetes and diabetic foot ulcers, including (43) males and (15) females.
The results of the study concluded that most patients are elderly people over the age of fifty, and most of them are males and suffer from irregular diabetes. These results indicate that diabetic foot ulcers largely affect older male patients. With regard to ulcer characteristics, most patients, with a percentage (81%) suffer from ulcers for more than twenty weeks, and at a rate of (65.5%) the ulcers were accompanied by swelling of the feet, and most of the ulcer area of ​​the patients was (69%) equal or less than 5 square centimeters, and (87.9%) had a single ulcer and with a percentage of (72.29) for the first time, with a percentage of (79.3) that is painless and non-bleeding with a percentage of (62.1%). These results indicate that the diabetic foot ulcer is chronic, does not heal for a long time, is painless and does not bleed.