The College of Medicine hosts the students of the College of Pharmacy to take the pilot assessment

Under the guidance of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Riyad Daihoud Al-Zubaidi, and the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abu Tahin, the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, a number of faculty members and the technical support team, the Faculty of Medicine hosted the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the second stage, to perform the empirical assessment examination that the Ministry had called for earlier. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research decided to adopt the assessment exam between public and private universities in the medical and nursing specialties for the academic year 2021-2022. The Ministry also directed the private universities to form specialized committees according to academic subjects and scientific disciplines to prepare a question-and-answer bank for the subjects covered by the assessment exam while creating an appropriate environment. for students to take the exam.