Within the activities of the scientific branches of the college aimed at achieving the scientific level sober and all its scientific sections, the diseases branch of the Faculty of Medicine, Karbala University, organized a workshop on diagnosis and mechanism of contract treatment in the thyroid gland and title
(Cytopathology System 2018) presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Mohamed Fawzi Al-Lambir, in which he summarized the types of benign and malignant nodes and their mechanism of diagnosis through radiological tests and the focus on cellular diagnosis by means of micro-perfusion and the therapeutic mechanism applied globally for each species Of the contract types and according to the classification of the system. The second part of the workshop included the presentation of 10 undiagnosed hypothetical cases diagnosed by the participants through a pre-prepared program on the World Wide Web, which was attended by the Dean of the College, Dr. Hassan Ali Abboud Nasr And a number of medical school teachers and a group of doctors specialized in Karbala health department as well as a collection of technicians and students of the Iraqi Council of the branch of diseases