The minister of Education chairs a meeting of the advanced staff and discusses the review and development paths of the graduate admission plan

The minister of higher education and scientific research, Dr. Naim al-Aboudi, chaired a meeting of the advanced staff that discussed the review and development paths of the graduate admission plan according to the development requirements and the need of institutions. More…

At a meeting with the Council of the University of Baghdad .. Minister of Education discusses scientific research indicators and world ranking results

The minister of higher education and scientific research, Dr. Naim al-Aboudi, held a meeting with the Council of the University of Baghdad and discussed the results achieved at the level of scientific research and international rankings. He expressed his confidence More…

قبول 3203 طالب في المنحة المجانية الخاصة بالمجموعة الطبية

تعلن وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي قبول ثلاثة آلاف ومئتين وثلاثة طلاب ضمن المنحة المجانية الخاصة بالمجموعة الطبية (طب، طب أسنان، الصيدلة) في الجامعات والكليات الأهلية للعام الدراسي 2024/2023. وأظهرت النتائج المنشورة في بوابة دائرة التعليم الجامعي الأهلي قبول (3203 More…