On the centenary of the founding of the Faculty of education at the University of Baghdad .. The minister of Education confirms the further development of educational programs for educational specialties and improving their fields and outputs

The minister of higher education and scientific research, Dr. Naim al-Aboudi, confirmed the further development of educational programs for educational specialties and improving their fields and outputs. This came in his speech during the ceremony of the centenary of the More…

The minister of higher education and scientific research, Dr. Naim al-Aboudi, chaired a meeting of the applicant staff to discuss a number of topics on the agenda, including indicators for the implementation of the Bologna Process in universities.

The meeting reviewed the statistics related to the application of the Bologna procedures and the measurement of its indicators related to the quality of the educational process and its details of curricula, teaching and students. The meeting discussed the updating More…

The Ministry of Higher Education announces the availability of 10 Turkish scholarships for bachelors and masters at Okan University for non-employees.

⏺The deadline for submission is Thursday, corresponding to 2024/3/7. It turned out that the scholarships were distributed by five seats for bachelors in the specialties of general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry and five seats for Masters in engineering, health care More…

The minister of Labor announces the completion of the calculation of the scholarship amounts for more than two million and (200) thousand students

The calculation of the grant amounts was carried out according to the attendance certificate received from the Ministry of education, pointing to the referral of all priorities related to calculating the amounts to the Ministry of education for the purpose More…