The Minister of Education stresses the observance of quality in the creation of medical colleges and the sobriety of examination centers in the equivalency of certificates

🔸 The Minister of Education directs the Committee of Deans of Medical Faculties to develop an integrated and strategic plan that covers the country’s needs for medical specialties🔸 Minister of Education: We hope that the outputs of the sixth preparatory More…

Vaccination card or PCR test

وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تعلن عن عدم السماح بدوام الطلاب والعاملين والهيئات التدريسية في المعاهد والكليات والجامعات الحكومية والاهلية كافة وعدهم غيابا ان لم يعملوا كارت التلقيح او فحص بي سي ار سالب اسبوعيا لغير المشمولين باللقاح او المصابين More…

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research presents a letter of thanks and appreciation to all the teachers and employees of the University of Karbala

In pride and appreciation for the academic and professional performance recorded by the members of the University of Karbala, including the members of the Faculty of Medicine, including teachers, administrators and technicians, in taking responsibility for the academic year 2020-2021, More…

College of Medicine completes final exams for postgraduate studies (Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology) for the academic year 2021/2020

College of Medicine finishes final exams for postgraduate studies branch (Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology) for the academic year 2021/2020 Graduate students have finished final exams for the academic year 2021/2020 under the direct supervision of Professor Dr. Contribute to the success More…