The Dean of the College of Medicine Celebrates the Career of Dr. Riyadh Dihoud Al-Zubaidi

The College of Medicine at Karbala University held a ceremony, presided over by its Dean, Dr. Khalid Khalil Al-Araji, to honor Professor Dr. Riyadh Dihoud Al-Zubaidi upon the completion of his tenure as Dean of the College of Medicine. The event was attended by the assistant deans, heads of departments, faculty members, administrative staff, and college personnel, as well as some guests from the university.

Dr. Al-Araji delivered a speech praising Dr. Al-Zubaidi’s distinguished academic and administrative career, presenting him with a shield of appreciation, bouquets of flowers, and heartfelt words of respect and admiration. Dr. Al-Zubaidi led the College of Medicine to the highest levels of success. Dr. Riyadh Al-Zubaidi expressed his gratitude to Dean Dr. Al-Araji, wishing him success in managing the upcoming phase. He also commended the efforts of his assistants, including Assistant Professor Dr. Basheer Aqeel Al-Ali, who worked diligently and made significant contributions to the college, as well as Professor Dr. Ali Abdul Redha Abu Tuhain and other faculty members and staff, who played a crucial role in establishing the college’s reputation in scientific and research forums in Iraq and the region.

Dr. Al-Zubaidi extended his thanks to all the college staff, from the cleaning engineers to the prominent scientific and research figures, wishing them success and prosperity to keep the College of Medicine at the forefront.