Karbala University Hosts the Closing Ceremony of the “Memory of Pain and Spark of Hope” Competition

Karbala University hosted the closing ceremony of the “Memory of Pain and Spark of Hope” competition, launched by the Development and Advancement Volunteer Team with the participation of eight universities from Karbala province.

The competition, organized by the Development and Advancement Volunteer Team, coincided with the International Human Rights Day and aimed to raise awareness about the crimes of the Ba’ath regime and counter attempts to erase the historical facts related to the crimes committed by the Ba’ath regime.

The closing ceremony was attended by the university’s Vice Presidents for Administrative and Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Jassim Al-Barak and Professor Dr. Haider Mohammad, the President of the Martyrs Foundation, and several members of the local government.

The President of Karbala University, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, reminded attendees of the crimes committed by the Ba’ath regime during its rule in Iraq, noting that “those pages will be cursed by history, as they are dark chapters of suffering endured by Iraqis in all forms of pain and misery.” He added that “the Ba’ath Party’s rule witnessed the execution of the most heinous crimes in history, which humanity will forever be ashamed of.”

The President of the Martyrs Foundation, Abdul Ilah Al-Naeli, emphasized that “the foundation seeks to support this competition to be implemented at the national level, as it is a unique event organized by a group of conscious youth to shed light on the crimes of the Ba’ath regime.” He pointed out that “the foundation possesses an archive of more than a million documents incriminating the dissolved Ba’ath Party.”

Dr. Mohammad Sahib, the supervisor of the Development and Advancement Volunteer Team, stated that “the competition is part of efforts to morally compensate the families of martyrs and those affected by the former regime. It involved 176 students from various universities in Karbala province in scientific debates that lasted for two weeks about the crimes of the former regime, and today the winning teams will be honored.”

Karbala University won first place in the competition, which included teams from different universities.