A message from Karbala Medicine discusses the spread of drug and substance abuse among students of the University of Kufa

A postgraduate diploma thesis in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the College of Medicine at the University of Karbala discussed the spread of drug and substance abuse among students of the University of Kufa. The thesis submitted by the researcher (Ayser Rashid Miah Jabr) included the title “The spread of drug and substance abuse among students of the University of Kufa during the academic year 2023”

The discussion committee consisted of:
Prof. Dr. Amer Fadhel Haider Al-Haidari, Chairman
Prof. Dr. Shimaa Abdul Latif Khalil, Member
Prof. Dr. Shahrazad Shamkhi Al-Jubouri, Member
Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul-Ridha Abu Tahin, Supervisor
Prof. Dr. Arafat Hussein Khader Al-Dujaili, Supervisor

The study aimed to assess the prevalence of drug and substance abuse among students of the University of Kufa, and to identify the factors associated with it.

The study also found that drug and substance abuse is widespread among college students, mainly tobacco and sedative abuse. Peer pressure was an important factor influencing the prevalence of drug and substance abuse, especially among the 20-24 age group.