A lecturer in Karbala Medicine is a member of the discussion of a doctoral thesis at Al-Nahrain University

The lecturer in the Department of Internal Medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Riyadh Muhi Aboud Al-Sayegh, participated as a member and supervisor in the discussion of a doctoral thesis for the researcher (Amir Fadhel Jawad Al-Taama) entitled “Evaluation of serum gasdermin D levels and polymorphisms of the interleukin 18 gene and some other biomarkers in diabetic nephropathy in a sample of Iraqi patients”

This study explores the role of multi-inflammatory apoptosis and polymorphisms of the GSDMD gene (rs7840446, rs59118283 and rs138605740) in diabetic nephropathy among Iraqi patients. Serum gasdermin D (GSDMD) and interleukin-18 (IL-18) levels were measured in 40 patients with diabetic nephropathy, 40 patients with diabetic nephropathy, and 80 healthy individuals. Statistically significant differences were observed in blood urea, creatinine, glomerular filtration rate, gasidermin D, and interleukin-18 levels between diabetic nephropathy patients and non-nephropathy patients. The study confirms the significant association between gasidermin D polymorphism and diabetic nephropathy, and highlights the inflammatory and genetic mechanisms that contribute to the development of diabetic nephropathy. The findings call for targeted therapies that address apoptosis in the management of diabetic nephropathy.
