Students of the sixth stage of the College of Medicine of Karbala take the final comprehensive exam for the academic year 2023-2024.

Sixth stage students at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, took the final comprehensive exam “OSCE” for the academic year 2023-2024.

The exam was held in the college halls and under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Riyad Dawoud Al-Zubaidi and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Bashir Aqeel Al-Ali.

This test was prepared by the committee in charge of the final Oski test, headed by Prof. Dr. Hamed Al-Tarfi, in cooperation with the college’s Evaluation Quality Assurance Committee, over a period of several weeks.

It is worth noting that the nature of this test depends on the use of patient simulation in all stations designated for this test, in addition to preparing it in a way through which the basic educational outcomes for the graduating physician can be chosen, with a focus on critical thinking and the use of “clinical reasoning.”

A wide academic elite participated in the exam, including professors from the Karbala College of Medicine and the Karbala Health Department, in addition to the participation of professors from medical colleges from other universities.

Based on an official invitation from the Deanship of the Karbala College of Medicine, two experts in the field of medical education and evaluation from the College of Medicine, University of Kufa, attended the exam, namely Professor Dr. Alaa Jumaa, Dr. Ali Abdul Habib Shuhaib as external evaluators, within the framework of mutual scientific and academic cooperation between Iraqi medical colleges.