Sixth stage students at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala take the ministerial assessment exam for the academic year 2023-2024.

The students of the sixth stage of the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, took the ministerial evaluation exam for the subject “General Surgery” for the academic year 2023-2024.

The exam was held in the college halls and under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Riyad Dhihud Al-Zubaidi.

Al-Zubaidi explained that this exam is the third of the ministerial exams that were conducted during this year for students in the sixth stage, in which the colleges present a number of questions ranging from 100 questions for each branch (internal medicine – surgery – gynecology – pediatrics) from all Iraqi medical colleges. There are 26 colleges, where a committee is assigned to each of these specializations mentioned and collects and selects questions that are consistent with the extent of the disease and its seriousness, so that the doctor can deal with them on the first day after graduation.

For his part, he praised the positive results achieved by the Karbala College of Medicine in the previous two examinations.

He expressed his hope that today’s exam and the remaining exam, which is the women’s exam, will achieve high and distinguished results.

For his part, he added that the examination process was conducted in a highly streamlined, smooth and organized manner, in accordance with the instructions and directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as the combined efforts provided by the Deanship of the Karbala College of Medicine and the ministerial evaluation committees supervising the examination, in addition to the exceptional and ongoing efforts by the Technology Unit. Information in the college that contributed to providing the appropriate scientific atmosphere for taking the exam.

🔶 We wish our dear students every success in taking their exams.