” The Iraqi Board of Family Medicine’s thesis at the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, discussed the quality of life for caregivers of children with autism. The thesis, presented by the researcher (Ritab Ahmed Rahim), was titled ‘Quality of Life for Caregivers of Children with Autism in Karbala Province 2023.’
The discussion committee consisted of: Prof. Dr. Amer Fadhil Jabr – Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ashwaq Ali Hussein – Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahrazad Shamkhi Tael – Member Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Redha Abu Tahin – Member
The study aimed to investigate the quality of life for caregivers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the factors that may affect the quality of life in the holy province of Karbala.
The study concluded that the quality of life level for caregivers of children with ASD was low in many areas, with general health and limitations in roles due to physical activity and vitality being the most affected areas. The study also found differences in the quality of life level among parents of children with ASD attributed to variables including gender (male or female), employment status, and the presence of chronic diseases, which were statistically significant.”