“A master’s thesis was discussed in the Clinical Chemistry branch at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, regarding the role of inflammatory and fibrotic biomarkers in diabetic patients. The thesis, presented by the researcher Maher Adnan Khalaf, was titled ‘Evaluation of inflammatory and fibrotic biomarkers and the soluble glycoprotein 130 in diabetic patients – Type 2 males with or without myocardial infarction.’
The discussion committee consisted of: Prof. Dr. Shaker Fares Talib – Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rana Majid Hamid – Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamid Hussein Tawfan Al-Tarfi – Member Prof. Dr. Fadil Jawad Kazem Al-Ta’ama – Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maher Abboud Mukheef – Supervisor
The study aimed to investigate the role of ADAM-17 in causing two conditions: firstly, the metabolic tissues in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), characterized by vascular insulin resistance and inflammatory processes, and secondly, myocardial infarction resulting from ischemia, and to see the correlation between levels of ADAM-17, IL-6, SGP130, and other biomarkers.
The study concluded that the continuous elevation of diabetes causes a reduction in the inhibitory proteins for ADAM-17 and, as a result, an increase in its activity in cleaving and releasing many inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6, which causes a long-term inflammatory environment. In contrast, the glycoprotein SGP-130, whose deficiency causes a decrease in neutralizing IL-6, originally acts as an inhibitor of IL-6.”