Assistant professor Dr. Scheherazade shamkhi tail, teaching at the Faculty of Medicine, Karbala University, and head of the Department of family and Community Medicine, participated in a discussion at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Babylon, branch of family and Community Medicine, discussing the thesis of student Zahra Maki Hani in the Higher Diploma of branded family medicine (epidemiological features and factors related to motorcycle injuries in Babylon governorate) under the supervision of Professor Dr. Hassan Alwan Bayi .
The discussion Committee also consisted of:
A.Dr. Muhannad Abbas al-Shallah / chairman
A.M.Dr.Qais Ismail Ajam / member
A.M.Dr. Scheherazade shamkhi Al-Jubouri / member
The researcher pointed out that motorcycle accident injuries are the second most important reasons leading to emergency department visits and hospital admissions around the world. The injury and death rates among motorcyclists have become a public health problem of high priority in many low-and middle-income countries, including Iraq, and motorcycle injuries cause significant economic losses to individuals, their families and the state in general. These losses arise from the cost of treatment in addition to the loss of productivity of these individuals .The most important factors associated with motorcycle accidents were age, educational and socio-economic level, high speed, type of road, type of motorcycle, absence of safety measures or protective mechanisms for passengers, rapid increase in the number of motorcycles under unsafe traffic conditions, drug use such as alcohol and tobacco and driving without a license. The study also talks about the high importance of wearing a motorcycle helmet and its high effectiveness in reducing the rates of dangerous head injuries and reducing mortality rates.
The results of the study indicated that motorcycle accidents are a major cause of injuries and that young people with low socio-economic status, individuals with a low educational level and smokers are the main victims. The most common injuries associated with motorcycle accidents were lower limb, upper limb and head injuries, respectively.
The study also confirmed that the use of helmets by cyclists is significantly reduced. Fatal injuries are associated with excessive speed and failure to use a helmet. The study also confirmed that the levels of good knowledge among motorcycle owners do not exceed ٣٥% and less than the levels of attitude and less than the levels of good practice. The vast majority of citizens ‘ opinions in Babylon governorate were negative opinions about motorcycle injuries and their negative impact on the individual and society level.