A discussion of the higher diploma thesis was held at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala for the higher diploma student, Doctor (Shaima Ahmed Ashour), under the title (The prevalence of tobacco smoking and its related issues among the students of the University of Karbala 2022).
The study sample included 531 female students from 4 different colleges.
The study found that 11.1% of female students currently smoke tobacco, which is more than double the results obtained from previous studies at the University of Karbala.
Cigarette smoking was prevalent, while hookah smoking came second. The highest percentage of smoking among female students was in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The two studies showed that brothers and friends represent the largest proportion, about 47% of the source of the first cigarette.
While it was found that curiosity (the love of exploration), enjoyment and psychological pressure are the three most common reasons for initiating smoking.
The study showed that female students smoking was associated in a distinctive way with the low educational level of either of the parents, and with the fact that the parents were divorced. As well as with the fact that the mother smoked and the presence of smokers in the family.
And this increase in the number of female smokers is due to the failure to implement a real response to smoking at the local and national levels. The anti-smoking law is not activated and needs to be activated. And the application of programs to address smoking in universities and secondary schools, as smoking may be a gateway to drug abuse
After the student defended her research, the esteemed committee decided to accept the study with an excellent grade
The discussion committee consisted of:
Experienced Professor Dahsan Alwan Bayei / community medicine specialist / Hilla University College / Chairman
Prof. Shahrzad Shamkhi Tael/community medicine specialist in Karbala medicine/member
Dr. Hassan Hadi Baqer/ Consultant Family Medicine/ Al-Zahraa University for Girls/ Member
a.m.d. Ali Abdul-Ridha Abu Tahin/ Consultant Family Medicine/ Karbala Medicine/ Supervisor and Member
Dr.. Naim Obaid Talal / a doctor specializing in community medicine / Karbala Health Department / supervisor and member