The Family and Community Medicine branch of the College of Medicine hosted Prof. Hassan Alwan Bayei / community medicine specialist at Hilla University College and an experienced professor at the University of Babylon, at the invitation of the Family and Community Medicine Branch, on Thursday 12/22/2022
During that day, lectures were given to postgraduate students in family and community medicine (high diploma and Iraqi board) on the most important topics related to health administration and the health system. On the other hand, a meeting was held with the students of the second stage in the college about the nature of the medical profession, the need to have high morals, the importance of communicating with society and knowing it in all its categories, how to deal with them and understand the prevailing customs and traditions in this field, stressing that it is the school and the first establishment to understand and learn from this. Prof. Dr. Hassan Alwan Baiei wrote a letter of thanks and appreciation for his efforts and for his tangible and annual cooperation with the College of Medicine, especially postgraduate students in the family and community medicine branch. Dr. Shahrazad Al-Jubouri, Head of the Family and Community Medicine Branch