A lecturer in Karbala medicine participates in an international scientific conference in Turkey

Assistant Dr. Ali Mohsen Ali, a teacher in the chemistry and biochemistry branch of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Karbala (PhD in clinical chemistry), participated in the Seventh International Scientific Conference of Pure and Applied Sciences, which was held in Istanbul / Turkey on 8-10/11/2022.

The participation of Dr. Ali Mohsen Ali as head of the first (opening) session devoted to discussing medical science research in attendance, as well as his participation in a scientific research on (Data Modeling of LC/MS-based Metabolomic profiling to compare between Human Plasma and Urine Samples Associated with Beetroot).

Where the research dealt with the study of the different effect of drinking beetroot juice on human metabolism in blood and urine samples using liquid chromatography technique associated with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), which is a modern method for detecting and determining low levels of semi-volatile or non-volatile compounds, especially in complex sample matrices. The results proved that the use of urine samples is better than blood samples in studying the effect of beetroot juice on human metabolism and identifying potential metabolic markers.

The research was accepted for publication in the MINAR International Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology.

He was honored with the Creativity Medal from Istanbul Gedik University, Turkey, in appreciation of his active participation in the scientific sessions of the conference.