The participation of the Scientific Dean of the College of Medicine in the evaluation of one of the medical colleges in Iraq

Member of the national evaluator team, Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul-Ridha Abu Tahin, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, participated with the team in charge of evaluating the College of Medicine, University of Dohuk, in the evaluation field visit to the college in order to obtain accreditation. For the period from 16-20/10/ 2022.

The team was warmly received by the dean and professors of the college. Many college professors, students from different levels and staff were interviewed. In addition to viewing the classrooms, laboratories and the rest of the buildings. As well as reviewing files and special documents within the accreditation mechanism, in addition to visiting educational hospitals, meeting with their departments and the concerned medical and administrative staff, and reviewing the progress of training in hospitals.

While the President of the University of Dohuk organized a special invitation for the team at the top of Zawa mountain overlooking the city of Dohuk, it was also attended by the Director General of Duhok Health, the Assistant President of the University, the Doctors Syndicate of Dohuk, directors of teaching hospitals, in addition to the dean and a number of professors of the Faculty of Medicine.

The visit, which took place smoothly and with cooperation between the two sides, ended with a farewell to the visiting team.

Academic accreditation for medical colleges is vital and necessary in order to improve medical education and medical work, and then the level of medical and health services in Iraq