The conclusion of the ministerial assessment final exams held in Kerbala medicine

The ministerial assessment examinations for students of the Faculty of Dentistry – the fifth stage for the academic year 2021/2022, which were held in the Faculty of Medicine of Kerbala, the halls of graduate studies and the library, were concluded on Saturday 2-7-2022, under the supervision and follow-up of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Riyad Dhayhoud Al-Zubaidy and in the presence of Mr. The Dean of Dentistry, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel Sattar, according to the schedule prepared by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and under direct supervision and remote follow-up by the ministerial team in charge of following up the assessment exams.
The Dean of the College inspected the examination halls for the assessment exams and was directly informed of the stages of the ministerial assessment exam.
At the same time, the ministerial team in charge of following up and supervising the assessment exams commended the efforts made by the Deanship of the Faculty of Medicine in providing all the logistical and technical needs and supplies for the success of the current academic year, wishing our dear students success and success.