The Psychological Counseling Unit concludes a training course on personality psychology

The Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, concluded the training course marked (Personality Psychology: Systemic Introduction), which lasted for four weeks from 2-6-2022 until 23-6-2022 in the Psychological Counseling Unit Hall at the College of Medicine.

Prof. Ali Tariq Abdel Hassan, Director of the Psychological Counseling Unit of the College Information Division, said: “During the course, four famous theoretical positions in psychology that explain personality were discussed: the analytical theory, the cognitive behavioral theory, the trait theory and the phenomenological theory (humanity),” he added. The objectives that have been achieved through the course are: identifying the nature of the personality and the conditions for its proper growth and what hinders that, and identifying the role of the personality in determining the style of learning, life and transactions, in addition to identifying the personality type of each participant and its importance in achieving healthy and fruitful relationships, As well as providing participants with sufficient information to understand the nature of personality disorders and how to diagnose them, as well as developing self-awareness skills and how we know who we are, in addition to identifying the Big Five traits model and its applications in education and the health and family system.

The course included the specialized scientific curriculum, as this course was designed according to the principles of andragogy and thus gives centrality to the learner and the information he needs to solve his daily and professional problems, and the material presented is a translation of the goals, meaning that they are the same as the titles of the lectures.

A number of members of the College of Medicine and students, in addition to the employees of the Department of Health and Education, participated in this course, where the lectures were interactive workshops, the participants were divided into small groups from the beginning, and the evaluation at the end of the course depends on attendance and activity during the course. While the lecturers in the course relied on the solid scientific books sent via the electronic platform and tagged with: (The Human Character and its Psychological Disorders: A Vision in the Framework of Positive Psychology, the author Dr. Suleiman Abdel Wahed Ibrahim), and (The Five Factors of Personality: A New Direction for Studying and Measuring the Structure of Personality the author Dr. Hisham Habib Al-Husseini Muhammad).

It is noteworthy that this training course is part of the scientific activities held by the Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Medicine at Karbala University.