The conclusion of the activities of the specialized workshop in the medicine of Jaber Ibn Hayyan

The activities of the specialized workshop held by the Academic Accreditation Council for Medical Colleges / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research entitled (Building the Capacity of the National Evaluation Team) for the period 25-26 May 2022 with the participation of a delegation from the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, which consisted of a member of the Council Academic accreditation, Associate Professor Dr. Ali Mansour Jassim and members of the national residents, Prof. Dr. Riyad Daihoud Al-Zubaidi, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abdel Reda Abu Tahin, and a group of faculty members of Iraqi medical colleges who represent the national resident team.
The workshop was supervised by the Quality Assurance Department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, represented by the head of the department, Prof. Yousra Muhammad Abdullah, and the Academic Accreditation Council, represented by Dr. Yousra Abdel Rahman Mahmoud, the head of the council, and the members of the Council.
The second day’s curriculum included reading and discussing the college visit report according to the academic accreditation axes, as well as reading the workshop’s recommendations and distributing participation certificates to the members of the national resident team.