Scientific symposium on violence and bullying: a phenomenological approach

The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit was established in our college, on bullying, entitled Violence and Bullying: An Introduction to Phenomenology (Phenomena), on 3/2/2022 in the Psychological Counseling Unit Hall in the College of Medicine.
The symposium dealt with the issue of bullying from multiple angles, as it is a complex phenomenon that has its roots in the nature of the human being that seeks to dominate, control, degrade or ridicule others.
Therefore, one of the most important outputs of the education system is to purify the soul and rid it of this possibility of immorality and violence in all its forms. The biggest disaster is that the educational environment has become a stage for bullying in all its forms by everyone, students and teachers. The reason is the preoccupation with teaching pure sciences and mathematics, and the marginalization of self-development and the human psyche in a way that ensures its discipline from selfishness and the instincts of self-destruction and altruism.
The lecturer added that diagnosing violence or bullying requires the verification of three elements, namely:
Intentionality, repetition, and the pursuit of dominance and authoritarianism (incoming power). The bully intends to inflict pain, either through physical harm or hurtful speech or behavior, and he/she does so repeatedly. Boys are usually more susceptible to physical bullying, while girls are more vulnerable to psychological bullying.
Bullying can be defined if it is a recurring pattern of behavior, rather than a single occurrence. Children who bully usually start from the perception that they are in a higher social position or in a position of power, such as children who are larger, more physically strong, or who are perceived as being popular with their peers.
Immunizing our children and youth from the danger of bullying in all its forms is a duty in kind that everyone must practice, each according to his position and specialization. The crisis is great and the psychological specialties cannot deal with it alone.
The symposium included the participants’ interventions that sang it, adding to it a practical dimension, as many scenes and stories were shared that document what happened from bullying in personal and professional life.
The symposium came out with a recommendation to spread awareness and clarify the nature of bullying that facilitates its diagnosis and activates the work of disciplinary laws and translates them practically and visually through banners throughout the institution and to set up a special fund for bullying electronically or physically to give the opportunity to communicate continuously with the competent authorities for quick treatment without embarrassment for the person targeted by bullying.