Meeting of the Dean of the College of Medicine with the students’ parents

Today, the College of Medicine organized a meeting with students’ parents. The aim of this meeting is to involve students’ parents in the educational process and open the way for them to express their suggestions and questions regarding everything related to their children’s university life. During the meeting, parents were introduced to various aspects of university life.
Commenting on the event, the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Riyad Dahoud Al-Zubaidi, said to the students’ parents the communication between the college and parents, saying: Our communication with parents will continue throughout the period of their children’s university studies, and the Parents Program is a bridge for the community partnership between the college and parents Parents will be able to see their children’s academic status first hand, in addition to participating in refining the students’ personality and shaping it scientifically and socially. We hope that after years we will meet you again at your children’s graduation ceremony, God willing.”