A training course on the applications of positive psychology in psychological counseling

The course on counseling psychology included multiple segments of students, professors and members of the psychological counseling unit
I talked about the applications of positive psychology in psychological counseling
In the first lecture, Prof. Dr. Ali Tariq explained the five elements of a happy and successful life and how they can help the educational psychological counselor in his work with counsellors. In the second lecture, which was held on today 10-3-2022, the main topic was the statement of the importance of the role of theory in determining the criteria for description, understanding and interpretation of the behavior of the guide and the possibility of prediction as well. and was discussed
Psychoanalytic theory, which is the first theory of psychology that we need in understanding human behavior in general and the behavior of the guide, and focus on the pattern of the relationship that binds them, which includes cognitive and emotional empathy, which allows seeing the problem from the perspective of the guide and thus achieving a common understanding, which is the first step in psychotherapy or effective communication. In today’s lecture, the nature of the human psyche was identified from the point of view of psychoanalysts, which includes:
What are the id, ego and superego? What is the difference between consciousness, subconscious and subconscious? What are the defense mechanisms of the human psyche and how do they affect consciousness and human life
Why did the school of psychoanalysis appeared? What is the relationship of the industrial revolution and scientific technical progress with the emergence of the school? How did this era affect the emergence of the school of psychoanalysis?
Self-management techniques and their importance in reducing anxiety and stress.
1_ Prof..Dr.Ali Tariq Abdel Hassan
2_ MD Mai Muhammad Ali