Within the scientific activities of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Karbala, the eighth session of the teaching methods of the medical group was opened on Tuesday, corresponding to 26/10/2021 and in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dr. Karbala This course deals with the medical group and through thirty training hours, one day (Tuesday) of each week, different and important topics aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and experiences of participants from the educational and health sector in several areas in the education and training process. Such as learning theories, principles of adult education, education In the twenty-first century, curriculum design, teaching in large groups and giving effective lecture, PowerPoint presentations, learning with small groups, classroom management, effective educational environment and student psychological construction, methods of assessment, examinations and preparation of questions, proven medicine and evidence and other miscellaneous topics.. Conversational, discussion and brainstorming in interactive ways. After getting acquainted and assessing training needs, the course began with interesting lectures on medical education in the twenty-first century, and on formulating educational goals. To see the rest of the photos, click here