Advanced competitive positions for twenty-two Iraqi universities in the QS classification

Twenty-two Iraqi universities have achieved important competitive ranks in the QS World University Rankings for the year 2022.

The official website of the ranking ( recorded the attendance and competition of twenty-two Iraqi universities, with an increase of 6 universities over last year’s edition, where the University of Baghdad topped the center. 26 out of one hundred and eighty-one Arab universities competed according to the criteria of academic reputation (30%), the reputation of employers (20%), the proportion of faculty members in relation to the number of students (15%), the International Scientific Research Network (10%), and electronic influence. (5%), the percentage of PhD holders (5%), citations for each research paper (5%), research papers for each teaching staff (5%), the percentage of international faculty members (2.5%) and the percentage of international students (2.5%).

A number of universities appeared in this edition that competed for the first time in this world ranking, namely the Middle Euphrates Technical Universities, Information and Communication Technology, Nineveh and Fallujah, while Al-Kitab National University emerged for the first time as well.