The Master’s thesis at the College of Medicine, University of Karbala discussed the Master’s thesis entitled (The Role of Thermal School Proteins 60, 70 as Evidence of Diabetes Complications) for the student (Yahya Ali Hadi), which took four chapters and received an honors degree. Where the message included Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a complex multifactorial disorder that includes metabolic disorder and hyperglycemia prevalent worldwide. The most common types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. The thesis aims to compare levels of HSP 70 and hSP60 in both types 1, type 2 complications of diabetes and normal people (the group that was compared with it) for patients attending the diabetes center at Imam Hussein Teaching Hospital in Karbala city center / Iraq The results of this study indicated that the levels of heat shock protein 60 and 70 were higher in type 1 compared to type 2 diabetes, value < 0.001 levels of heat shock protein 60 and 70 were associated with complications of diabetes value < 0.001. Significantly, the study finally concluded that heat shock protein 60 and 70 can be considered as a biomarker to detect complications of diabetes.