The master’s thesis at the College of Medicine at Karbala University discussed the sixth human herpes virus and its B strain to the subfamily Betaherpersvirinae and the genus Roseolovirus. The two viruses are closely related to each other. Humans are considered as their main host. Human herpes virus VI acts as a persistent infection in the host that lasts for life, which is referred to as (testing) (The salivary glands were identified as in vivo reservoirs for infection with the sixth human herpes virus). Infection with the sixth human herpes virus) for the student ( Hawra Haitham Muhammad Al-Zubaidi) the number of chapters is five and she received the degree of excellence And blood vessels infected with human herpes virus VI, and it was concluded from this message that there is a significant proportion of patients with cardiovascular diseases have infection with human herpes 6 virus, and the increase in the level of nuclear factor kappa may be associated with infection with the sixth human herpes virus and carditis.