A decision by the College Council regarding the addition of an optional project-based learning course in the fourth stage. During which the students (25 students) complete the graduation research project in the form of 5 small groups. Specifically on the topic of gestational diabetes and hypertension
Below are the details of the search methods, including the course details:
Needs assessment form was created. This will be distributed to internal and external stickholders. It contains questions about the three different sections of the expected project outcome, community health promotion, impact on students and Innovation at Institutional level. Analysis of responses of Needs assessment forms will ensure the rationale of the project and prooved the need to implement it.
Study design: Prospective intervention study
Intervention: Following the needs assessment form analysis and institutional bioethical approval, project based learning course development and incorporation into year 4 Medical curriculum. The 12-week course* address early detection of GDM and GH. Post course evaluation will follow to test for the early outcomes.
Study participants; Twenty five year-4 medical students (5 subgroups) will be allowed to join the course as SST AND informed consent obtained from them to be engaged in the project. Similarly, five faculty members will be reqruited as course facilitators and subgroup mentors.
Sampling procedure: Needs assessment form response will be collected and statistically analysed. Students will collect data from at risk pregnant women regarding measurement of blood pressure and blood sugar according to the standard guidelines. Course Evaluation test results will be analysed in accordance to the College standard setting. Course Evaluation forms and interview will be done and responses analyzed accordingly.
Sample size: Under direct supervision, Students will collect data from a total of 250 at risk pregnant women.
Data Collection tools: These include data from needs assessment form, Blood Pressure measurement, blood glucose levels measurement, post course test results and data from course Evaluation forms and interviews.
Data analysis: The biostatistical package SPSS will be applied to analyse quantitative and qualitative data obtained throughout the project.
Human subjects protection: Institutional and individual Informed Consent will be obtained and bioethical approval letter from the bioethical Committee of the College of Medicine University of Kerbala will be addressed according to the standard bioethical and Biosafety principles and guidelines.
PBL course description:
A 12-week project based learning program will be designed and developed
Course objective: to address the early detection of GDM and GH.
Project-BL Course content:
Duration: 12 weeks
Clinical sessions, workshops, small group discussions and preliminary assignments (2 weeks)
Data collection of the at-risk pregnant mothers- Five subgroups each supervised by a group mentor (8 weeks)
Analysis of data (workshop) and final presentations and graduation (2 weeks)
Course Evaluation:
Formative and summative tests of knowledge, clinical skills and the attitude of the enrolled students will be done at the end of the course and results would be analysed and compared to those who didnt attend the course.
Google Evaluation forms answered by participants (students, faculty and patients) and to other stickholders. The form will evaluate the impact of the project in all directions of its expected outcomes.
Registration in the above course is available for students of the fourth stage from today until 9-10-2021. Those who wish to join the course must register with the representative of the stage, where the names will be sent to the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Ali Mansour, by the representative, knowing that passing the course sings a search graduation