The lecturer participated in the branch of family and community medicine Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Redha Abu Tahin, a consultant family medicine in
The seventh weekly electronic seminar on Virus Corona Covid-19, which is being held by the Arab Society for Public Health and the WHO Collaborative Center / London Imperial College on Wednesday 7/7/2020.
((Health Care Services During and After the Corona Covid 19 Pandemic))
Dr. Hassan Salah (Egypt), Regional Adviser to the World Health Organization / Eastern Mediterranean Region in Cairo, attended the seminar. Professor Mehmet Ungan (Turkey) is President of the World Family Doctors Association in Europe.
The management of the symposium was headed by Dr. Jinan Al-Osta (Lebanon), President of the International Family Doctors Association for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and membership of Professor Salman Al-Rawaf (London), President of the Arab Society for Public Health and Professor Tawfiq Al-Khouja (Riyadh), Vice-President of the Association and Prof. Dr. Ali Abu Tahin.
Important topics were discussed and discussed regarding the importance of primary health care and its role in providing health services and pandemic control in addition to providing basic services. The most important coming and future challenges.