Amid a strong scientific and academic atmosphere and under the auspices of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Riyad Dahoud Al-Zubaidi, the College of Medicine at the University of Karbala concluded on Wednesday, 10/7/2024, discussing graduation research projects for sixth-year students for the academic year 2023-2024, in the halls of the Family and Community Medicine Branch.

Under the supervision of scientific committees designated for the purpose of discussing graduation research submitted by students.

Approximately 198 male and female students from the sixth stage were discussed, while the number of scientific research submitted by the students reached 64 scientific research, and the topics of their research included various medical and health topics, and then they were discussed scientifically by discussing the committees by asking them questions and finding out what their research included. Scientific concepts and ideas, their defense of their research, and the results and recommendations they produced through the research.

For its part, the Deanship of the College of Medicine of Karbala extended its thanks and appreciation to all members of the scientific committees participating in the discussions, including the faculty, in addition to the administrative staff, for their efforts during the discussion period. Student research.

🔸We wish our dear students good luck and lasting success…