The Dean of the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, meets with the Dean of the College of Medicine, Warith al-Anbiya, in a joint scientific cooperation visit between the two colleges.

The Dean of the College of Medicine, University of Karbala, Professor Dr. Riyad Dhihud Al-Zubaidi, and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Bashir Aqeel Al-Ali, met on Sunday, 6/2/2024, with the Dean of the College of Medicine Warith Al-Anbiyaa , Professor Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun.

The visit comes with the aim of enhancing joint scientific and academic cooperation between the two colleges within the twinning agreement.

During the meeting, the mechanism for conducting final exams was discussed and the mechanism of work of the committees charged with supervising the evaluation exams for the academic year 2023-2024 was explained.

At the conclusion of the meeting, he urged the deans of both colleges to combine efforts to make the examination process a success and provide the appropriate scientific and academic atmosphere for students.