A treatise on Karbala medicine discusses the identification of vital indicators that help in diagnosing and monitoring the reproductive capacity of males

The master’s thesis in the College of Medicine at the University of Karbala, the branch of chemistry and biochemistry, discussed the safety of sperm, because this matter is of great importance for the correct genetic material to future generations and the safety of sperm responsible for fertilization, while reactive oxygen species are important molecules and signals in the physiological processes that It plays a prominent role in pathological processes involving the reproductive system and reproduction if it is present in excessive quantities.

The thesis titled (Evaluation of Galectin 3 protein and Heat shock protein 70 and their relationship to antioxidant biomarkers in sperm in relation to male infertility) was submitted by Ahmed Abdel-Galil Saeed.

As the results of the study showed that the total oxidation of Hsp70 was high in the semen of infertile men, while the rate of antioxidants with Hsp70 was inversely in the plasma of the sperm of infertile men, and the rate of their risk factor was significantly different in contrast to (GAL-3), where Its results were not significant in the semen of infertile men, and the discussion committee recommended that the study be accepted with distinction.