A dissertation at the University of Karbala discussing the connection between the process of Ferroptosis and the final product of fat oxidation

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Karbala discussed the master’s thesis of the student (Banaz Saleh Ahmed) about the biomarkers that were studied in patients with the Corona virus under the title (The Correlation of the Ferroptosis Process and the End Product of Fat Oxidation 4-Hydroxynonenal in the context of atherosclerosis in patients with Covid-19)

The aim of the study was to estimate 4-hydroxynonenal levels and study their effect on disease severity in those infected with the virus, to investigate how SARS-CoV-2 affects lipid markers, and to evaluate whether HNE levels of COVID-19 patients can be used to predict atherosclerosis, as well as to measure iron levels. Ferritin and their roles in the process of Ferroptosis.

Where the results of this study showed an increase in the concentration of HNE and ferritin (an increase with a statistically significant difference) in both groups (severe and critical injuries) compared to healthy subjects, which was evidence of the effect of the ferroptosis process on the severity of the disease. Also, indices of arterial stiffness (AC, AIP, C-index, CRI-I, CRI-II) in severe cases of COVID-19 showed a very high significant increase compared to healthy subjects.

Due to the lack of reports on the relationship between HNE and the severity of infection with MERS-CoV, this study had an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prediction of clinical outcomes for patients. Thus, the student was awarded the grade of excellence.