The Dean of Karbala Medicine participates in the second international medical conference of the University of Anbar

Within the cultural and scientific activities carried out by the Deanship of the College of Medicine, University of Karbala and its openness with local and international universities, the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Anbar University for the period from 12-13 November 2022 in Anbar Governorate, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Health, the Governor of Anbar, the representative of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and a number of officials in the province.

Al-Zubaidi’s participation was as chair of one of the sessions of the Second International Medical Conference, which comes under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, and is organized by the University of Anbar in cooperation with the British Royal College of Pathologists.
The conference aims to discuss developments in medical and health sciences that science has witnessed recently in order to consolidate them and strengthen educational institutions of the Iraqi nature in them, especially since the conference witnessed wide scientific participation.
The conference is keen to publish the scientific research that participated in the conference in scientific journals within the internationally advanced containers.