A lecturer from the College of Medicine – University of Karbala participates in a training workshop on (management of stocks in biological facilities)

Lecturer Dr. Atheer Hamid Odeh Al-Ghanmi, a lecturer in the Biochemistry Branch of the College of Medicine, Karbala University, participated in the training workshop held by the Higher Ministerial Committee overseeing the development of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear safety and security programs and projects, in cooperation with the CTR Threat Reduction Office of the US State Department and Sandia Laboratories, which was held in Turkey-Istanbul for the period (7-10)-11-2022

The workshop aimed at training on management and control of access to biological materials, oversight and accountability for them, as well as how to create an inventory that facilitates the process of preserving and controlling hazardous materials, classifying materials according to their danger, and the mechanism for accessing this information by the public administration and working people. In addition to how to design protection systems for bibliographic stores and laboratories, and how to train and guide workers on how to reduce the risks arising from theft, and then develop and maintain an inventory management system (SPOs).