A teacher from Kerbala medicine lectures at the training workshop held by the Najaf Training Center

The Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs at the College of Medicine, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abdul-Ridha Abu Taheen, lectured at the scientific and training workshop for trainees of the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine at the Najaf Training Center. Trainees of the Iraqi Board of Family Medicine at the Najaf Training Center.
Abu Taheen added: “The lecture included the principles of the advantages and mechanisms of the OSCII clinical exam, with practical practices, role-playing and discussions on the subject and the subject of clinical evaluation in general.”
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Ali Abu Tahin has participated in giving scientific and training lectures in many training centers for medical specialties, and this participation comes within the framework of joint scientific and academic cooperation between the College of Medicine at Karbala University and the training centers for medical educational specialties in Iraq.