Kerbala Medicine begins summer training for the sixth stage

Sixth-stage students at the College of Medicine at Kerbala University began their summer training period in educational hospitals in Kerbala governorate for the academic year 2021-2020, with field follow-up and supervision from the Deanship of the College of Medicine and in coordination with the Kerbala Health Department.

Where the students started training on 7-24-20 2022 for the first group in the clinical branches (internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, and family medicine), and the duration of the students’ stay in these branches will be (10) weeks for internal medicine and surgery, and (8) weeks For children and women, and (4) weeks for family medicine.

The summer training for students of the Faculty of Medicine aims at the practical application of students in the actual fields of work in order to live an aspect of practical life, and to gain experience and skills through students’ application of theoretical information. Efficient contribute to the advancement of the medical and health reality in our dear country.
It is worth noting that the summer training period started from 7/24-2022 and will continue until 5/11/2023 and is considered one of the basic requirements for the student in the sixth stage.