Dr. Atheer Al-Ghanimi takes over the position of head of the biochemistry branch at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Karbala

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. (Riyad Daihoud Al-Zubaidi) congratulates the teacher, Dr. (Atheer Hamid Odeh Al-Ghanimi) assuming the duties of the head of the biochemistry branch during a ceremony held by the branch’s teachers and attended by a number of faculty and branch professors, stressing during a speech the important role of the chemistry branch And effective in training our students and graduating qualified doctors and postgraduates, they are referred to as well.

At the end of the ceremony, the Dean praised the great and effective role played by the former branch head, Assistant Professor Dr. (Rana Majid Hamid) in managing the affairs and management of the branch for the period 2017-2022 with dedication and sincerity, which pledged during her speech to move forward and continue to make maximum efforts to Raising the branch and the medicine of Karbala, and also praised the efficiency of the teacher, Dr. (Atheer Al-Ghanimi) in continuing to lead the branch according to the previous approach and bringing it to the highest levels of service to Karbala medicine, which she expressed during her speech. The Dean presented it as an expression of their love and great pride in it.

Congratulations to Dr. Atheer Hamid Odeh Al-Ghanimi as the Chair of the Biochemistry Branch/ College of Medicine/ Karbala University.
A brief biography of Dr. Atheer Hamid Odeh Al-Ghanimi

  • Obstetrics 1984 Karbala
  • PhD in 2019 majoring in Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry / Nanotechnology from one of the best universities in the world in China (China University of Science and Technology).
  • He has more than 10 Scopas Q1 research papers in the field of specialization.
  • Teaching since 2.12-till now and experience in teaching theoretical and practical chemistry for initial and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Teacher in chemistry laboratories. Biochemistry for the period 2007-2012.
  • He held the position of Secretary of the Board of the College of Medicine for the period 2019-2020.
  • Currently for Biochemistry Branch / College of Medicine 2020-2022.
  • Currently Supervisor of three master’s students/biological chemistry.
  • Received more than 30 letters of thanks and appreciation from the Minister, the President of the University, and the Dean of the College.
  • Has a major role in developing advanced biochemistry laboratories in College of Medicine.
    A thousand congratulations to him.