Kerbala Medicine hosts the second final assessment exam for students of the Faculty of Nursing, the second stage

The College of Medicine at the University of Karbala hosted the assessment exam for students of the College of Nursing, the second stage, on Monday morning, 20-6-2022, under the supervision and follow-up of Prof. Dr. Riyad Daihoud Al-Zubaidi, Dean of the College of Medicine, in addition to a number of teaching staff and observers by ministerial committees in the Ministry of Education Higher education and scientific research, and the exam was conducted in accordance with the controls and instructions in force in the examination with a high flow.

The Dean of the College of Medicine was briefed on the field about the conduct of the exams in attendance in the two postgraduate halls of the college, and he was also briefed on the services provided to students in terms of providing all amenities that would provide a suitable atmosphere for performing the exam in the fullest manner, wishing the students success and excellence permanent.

It is worth noting that our college had previously hosted students from the faculties of the medical group to perform the final assessment exams.