Kerbala medicine holds a training course on personality psychology

The Psychological Counseling Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Karbala, held a training course entitled (Personality Psychology: Systemic Introduction), at ten o’clock in the morning every Thursday for the period from 19-5-2022 until 9-6-2022.

The course was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ali Tariq Abdel Hassan, who stated to the College Information Division, saying: “The course aims to identify personality, its nature and how it is formed, in addition to identifying the types and patterns of personality, as well as enabling participants to understand the role of personality in the process of Counseling and psychological treatment, and also aims to provide participants with sufficient information to understand the diagnostic signs to know the type of personality, and to know the role of personality in the production of organic and psychological disease, in order to reach the identification of personality diseases and methods of treatment.

While the course included the specialized scientific curriculum, this course was designed according to the principles of andragogy and thus gives centrality to the learner and the information he needs to solve his daily and professional problems. p>

On a related note, A.M. said: Alaa Khaled, the second lecturer in the course: “The lectures are interactive workshops where the participants are divided into small groups from the beginning, and the evaluation is done at the end of the course based on attendance and activity during the course in addition to the educational portfolio.” He added, “The approved books in the course Which will be sent to the electronic platform are: (The Art of Counseling – Rollo May, Counseling Theories and Psychotherapy – Kamal Youssef Ballan, Personality Psychology: Fathi El-Meligy).

And also present in this session was Dr. Muhammad Reda Waror, who spoke in his lecture about personality traits in general and troubled personality traits in particular, according to the diagnosis of the American census, which he divided into three groups, he talked about in detail and participated in the lecture and explained by Prof. Dr. Ali Tariq.

It is noteworthy that this training course is among the scientific activities held by the Psychological Counseling Unit at the College of Medicine at Karbala University.