The conclusion of the clinical exams for the second stage in the Faculty of Medicine

On Wednesday morning, corresponding to 1/6/2022, the clinical examinations for the second phase were concluded at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Karbala, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Riyad Dahoud Al-Zubaidi, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the teaching staff and teaching assistants, through the application of the Oskey method in conducting the examinations.

The OSCIE exam, which was held in the small group halls in the college, included several stations, and the students were divided into groups and distributed to multiple stations that dealt with different topics.

The examination took place in a high flow and with a high level of organization, management, interaction and joint cooperation between the teachers and the examining students. It is worth mentioning that the Karbala College of Medicine is one of the colleges that sought to update and develop its curricula, programs and scientific and academic applications.