Education and health doctors come together against Corona

A number of medical specialists in the faculty of medicine who are affiliated to work in the medical city of Imam Al-Hussein (PBUH) continue out of their keenness towards responsibility towards the sons of their dear country and they are both (Dr. Amir Hanoun Al-Araji, urologist and Dr. Mustafa Walid Yahya, specialist in orthopedics and fractures, and Dr. Hamid Abdel Hassan Al Habali, an internal medicine specialist, and Dr. Hassan Mohamed Reda, a pediatric surgeon) to provide their medical services with the highest level of dedication and sincerity similar to their colleagues from the Ministry of Health / Karbala Health Department in the advisory work of arrivals for cases of infection with Corona virus and filter the infected cases and suspected cases where it was examined as a total sum About 100 to 120 patients with various respiratory symptoms, including about 50 patients who already had corona disease, were transferred to the quarantine corridors
This came in cooperation and work within one team to repel the Corona pandemic disease in the holy Karbala governorate in the (Imam Hussein Medical City) and through several tasks that included sentinels, surgical operations. Corona virus cases, while these doctors have confirmed that work is still going on and they are in extreme alert since the start of the demonstrations and the subsequent epidemic of the Corona pandemic until this hour