The Family and Community Medicine Branch holds an honoring party “on the occasion of the assignment of Dr. Saad Ibrahim Al-Ghabban for retirement

The Family and Community Medicine Branch at the Faculty of Medicine and in the presence of the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Riyad Dahoud Al-Zubaidi and his assistants and a number of professors and employees of the college and the branch held a honoring party for Assistant Professor Dr. Saad Ibrahim Al-Ghabban, Head of the Family and Community Medicine Branch at the College of Medicine on the occasion of his referral to retirement to reach the legal age. The Dean of the College of Medicine said, on this occasion, Professor Dr. Riyad dhayhood Al-Zubaidi that on this day when we meet, we cannot help but speak about the right of Dr. Saad Ibrahim Al-Ghabban. Between the health and education sector (amounting to (45)) and his long service in university teaching culminated in scientific successes and supervision of a number of postgraduate students and chaired and membership of postgraduate student discussion committees during his scientific career. “He was a distinguished professor and educator of this faculty of medicine. For his part, I commend all those in this celebration for their sincerity and devotion to work, and for what they provided a great service during his educational career. ” Wishing him “all the best of success and lasting success and a decent life. Words were given to many of those present who worked with the celebrated, who praised his ethics, commitment and dedication to work … his hard and regular work and his continuous practice of sport and encouraged him. The ceremony witnessed the presentation of a symbolic gift to Dr. Saad Ibrahim Al-Ghabban calling him health And longevity. To see the rest of the photos, click here